Mindfulness for Wellness Training

Bodine High School for International Affairs

These resources are posted for the Senior 2015 Class, Bodine High School for International Affairs. The audios were recorded live in class and are unedited. Sound quality will vary. 

Class Audios

(Click to play or right click on button to download the audio.)

1 Mindfulness: An Introduction

What is Mindfulness? Why practice it? How can it become a powerful tool for self-discovery and inner strength?


2 Mind, Thought & Awareness

Is there a difference between the mind, the thoughts that fill our minds, and our awareness of these thoughts? How can it help us to distinguish between them? Creating space between who you are and your thoughts means that you are not defined by every random blip – good or bad – that crosses the screen of your awareness. That means you begin to have some choice over who you define yourself to be.


3 Creating Space, Letting Thought Be


4 Approaching Our Experience Freshly (The Chocolate Meditation)

We assume we’re familiar with commonplace experiences. But are we? Discover how much more happens in activities we do automatically. Mindfully explore all the sensations, intentions, responses that come into play when we eat chocolate.


5 Body Scan 

Body scan meditation connects us with our physicality. How are we feeling? Is there injury, stress, dehydration, illness? Connecting with our physicality lands us in the present and helps us know what we’re feeling, sensing, and responding to. Body scan can be used anytime, especially in the evenings before bed to relax and let go of all of the activities of the day.


6 Thought Bubbles, Teaching Each Other

Becoming aware of what we’re thinking, confused about, or interested in is one part of cultivating inner strength. Like any strength training, the answer to “How do I do it?” is practice – practice – practice. In this class, you paired up and taught each other, recognizing that in this short time you’ve already begun to learn some fundamental tools. Now it’s time to: practice, practice, practice.


7 How the Brain Works

What are the parts of the brain? How do they work together? What are their evolutionary roots? What does this have to do with me? In this class we’ll learn about the “reptilian brain,” when it developed and what it processes for us. We’ll also learn about the limbic and emotional center, and the all-important integrative functions of the pre-frontal cortex.


8 The Teenage Brain

What’s happening in the teenage brain? This class explores the growth spurt and changes that are occurring during the teen years. Understanding this helps explain certain responses and impulses, though we still need to be responsible!


9 Stress over the last 600 Years

Lots of people talk about stress in relationship to technology and hand-held smart devices that plug us in to infinite information. But if we look over a broader timespan, from modernity in the 1500s to the postmodern era, we can see such dramatic shifts in the social structures that it’s no wonder we feel a little at sea.

Culture continues to evolve. We’ve developed more complex systems over time, which has changed our values, ethics, and social structures. While this increasing subtlety and complexity is by and large a good thing, we also experience the loss of surety and direction provided by better established cultural institutions. We’ll take a close look at some of the major shifts from modernity into our contemporary postmodern experience. Hint: this will explain and contextualize a lot about about our experience of confusion, stress, and uncertainty. And the way forward is ours to chart!

This class includes a long body scan meditation to help with the immediate feelings of overwhelm.


10 Mindfulness & Relationships

Why does mindfulness help us with the complicated art and science of forming deeper relationships? An exploration of what gets in the way of fulfilling friendships and connections and what we can do about it.


11 Adolescence . . . Oh Yeah, Stress

What are the main stresses in your actual experience? What’s on the table right now? A look at the main sources of stress and how we can learn to work with those issues and work together to support each other.

Special relaxation breath meditation include. [Audio unavailable]

12 Lovingkindness Meditation


13 Wrap Up

What did we learn? When can we use it? Can 12 weeks really make a difference? Exploring the journey.


(Click to play or right click on button to download the audio.)


Resources & References

Documentaries on the Power of Mindfulness Practice

Doing Time, Doing Vipassana, New Delhi, India

Dhamma Brothers, Alabama Penitentiary

Beyond Limits: A Portal Through Pain

Beyond Limits - mindfulness and trauma










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