Learning the Art of Relationship

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Learning the art of relationshipHigh on many people’s list, and maybe yours as well, is the question “How do I tap into my ‘spiritual space’ so I can be different towards my loved one?”

“How can I shed my old skin, my old self?”

We can learn how to cultivate a living, spiritual perspective and make it our own. Accomplished people have no hesitation to extend themselves to learn more in their field, to perfect their skills, to stretch beyond the boundaries of what they already know. Think about the last subject you learned more about. Didn’t it fill you with an added energy or sparkle, even for just a brief time?

Many people don’t realize we can actually do the same in relationship. And we need to for our culture to stand for higher orders of intimacy, trust, and togetherness.

There is plenty to learn about the art and science of relating.

There are more and more subtle dimensions to discover. Not just the qualities of our unconscious selves. But the qualities of our higher selves as they emerge in more sophisticated and clear orders of relatedness. The more we become interested in, the better the quality of consciousness in our relationships will be.

Here’s how it works:

• As we learn about the mysterious nature of connection and relatedness, we shed outdated behaviors we’ve become habituated to. New discoveries displace less informed, less enlightened ideas and beliefs.

• When we light up from within, inspired and captivated by something way beyond ourselves, we get carried above our old selves, and leave behind behaviors that have become outmoded or detrimental.

• As our attention becomes transfixed by more meaningful possibilities for human life, we allow what is lesser–the padding, the barriers, the encumbrances–to fall away from us so we can soar on the currents and contours of the new.

To begin, become curious. Set your mind’s eye on a possibility for deeper relatedness just beyond what you can see now. Stretching towards a new and higher vantage point creates room to flower into more full expressions of ourselves.

That is a beautiful thing to aspire towards, and a transformative posture in relationship!

* * * Download your free copy of Love, Marriage & Evolution & read more!

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