Letting Go of Thought

Amy EdelsteinStudent EssayLeave a Comment

Teen mindfulness fundraiser - Philadelphia

Letting Go of Thought

Bodine H.S., IB Program
College Aspiration: Business
Meditation has helped me a lot in the last couple of months as I tried to handle all of the stress and the assignments that were given by my teachers. By meditating every other day for just fifteen minutes, I was able to relax and focus on my assignments instead of letting the distractions bother me.

In my first year of meditation, when I closed my eyes, I found it very hard to not focus on a certain thought that was going through my head. The distractions around me were also very hard to ignore. Every time someone made a movement or a sound, it was hard to ignore it and focus on my own thoughts.

Now meditation has become a lot easier. I feel as though I can ignore the little things like itching and sounds around me. I am still doing my best to try and let my thoughts pass, as they are hard to ignore, especially when they are good thoughts.

I feel as though meditation has really helped me relax and slow down, as I am constantly doing different things and not giving myself time to sit down and think. I do plan on continuing mediation after the program is over because I feel as though it will be beneficial for me and handling my workload in college, as well as making sure that the stress won’t get to me.

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