Transformative Mentorship

Gain confidence in your own spiritual intimations.

Many people have profound and powerful spiritual glimpses. Many more live lives that are guided by that tap of the numinous. But far fewer experience the reservoir of strength, confidence, and well-being that arises from their own spiritual depths.

Sometimes all it takes to realize that strength is to recontextualize our lives in light of the insight that our most meaningful insights have revealed to us. Once we are able to do that, we can begin to draw from a well that mysteriously has no beginning or end, no boundary, and no separation from spirit or the world.

Other times we find ourselves at a crossroad, in need of focus. The time-honored art of spiritual mentorship or spiritual direction can help us calibrate our own lens and discern what the whisperings of the heart are telling us.

Transformative spiritual mentorship is a supportive process. A process that is empowering and uplifting, that puts wind in our sails and spring in our step.

Whether you are experiencing opening and renewed vision or a time of grief and loss, you can deepen and strengthen yourself through the communion, insight, and perspective that mentorship offers.

I began my own spiritual search in earnest in 1982 and have spent the last decades immersed in practice, study, and mentorship. I value the role spiritual mentors have and continue to serve for me. There is no end to spiritual discovery and richness. If you are interested to explore a specific area of spiritual growth or a broad sense of direction, contact me for a no obligation exploratory call.

If you would like to work with Amy in individual mentorship sessions, please get in touch.

Get in touch here
Click here for Yearlong Mentorship Curriculum
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Council of Interfaith Communities of the US
College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy
Spiritual Directors International

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