"Life has a way of unexpectedly touching the heart, expanding our consciousness, and sparking insights in profound ways."
~ Amy Edelstein

Nautilus Award Winner | Publishers Weekly Ben Franklin Award Winner | #1 Amazon bestseller
Now available! Click here

Transformative Educator, Author & School Mindfulness Leader
Founder of Inner Strength Education
Co-Founder of Emergence Education Press

People ask me how I ended up dedicating my life to personal and cultural change. Like so many of us, I took a path that now seems to be a clear set of steps and choices, yet as my life unfolded unexpected turns always led me to the next venture. Early on, I began exploring shifts of perspectives, the nature of awareness, and models to transform ourselves and the culture we live in. I consciously began this work in the late 1970s, though that stirring was there in my earliest memories. I was always wondering: How did we get to where we are? How can we make the world a more loving and awakened place to live? What is our deeper purpose and higher capacities?
My journey led me around the world and back again. From Pittsburgh to Ma'alot, Cornell to Kathmandu, the Berkshire countryside to Center City, Philadelphia . . .

The Inner Strength Education is where most of Amy's time and energy is currently directed. Established in 2014 to foster inner strength for outer stability in today’s youth, ISF brings the tools of mindfulness and the perspective of cultural development to 25,000 students and more than 3,000 teachers in under-resourced Philadelphia classrooms. With its Award-Winning Mobile App "Inner Strength VIBE," CASEL-endorsed curriculum, and distinguished Philadelphia Social Innovation Award, Inner Strength is the gold standard of school-based mindfulness and systems thinking programs. Inner Strength believes that the promise of our future rests on curious, compassionate, and grounded minds and hearts. Its work is dedicated to empowering the youth of today to become the great leaders of tomorrow.
Programs for Educators & Teens
Visit The Conscious Classroom, Inner Strength Education, and Emergence Education for more programs with Amy

Teaching Inner Strength School Mindfulness Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Next course begins March 19, 2024

Amy combines intellectual audacity and originality with deep spiritual insight, all wrapped in a gentle, thoughtful approach that allows for real depth!

Being on retreat with Amy feels like the threshold of the life I have been working toward for years. A turning point this dramatic is rarely so gentle and quiet… So grateful for the teachings, the community, and the beautiful environment she creates.