Becoming Aware
Bodine H.S., IB Program
College Aspiration: Engineering
Before having the class, I had difficulties with organization, focus, and self awareness. This resulted in stressful nights and difficulty completing tasks in a timely, organized manner. The meditation classes helped me change this. I learned to use the different types of meditation to become more focused and aware, not only of myself, but of people around me and the environment in general.
As the course progressed, I found myself in a different place than before. I became more relaxed, open minded, and aware. I no longer stressed as much as I used to, and the quality of my work has improved.
Now, whenever I find myself in a difficult situation, I take some time to meditate to clear my mind, think over the situation, and find a rational solution. I plan to continue meditating through college to help me get used to the new environment and find myself a home in it.
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