Discovering Ease | Virtual Meditation Retreat
On Saturday, March 23 you are invited to join Amy Edelstein in a special Inner Strength virtual meditation retreat “Discovering Ease.” From 11:00am to 3:00pm US ET you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in stillness and discover a posture of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
This virtual retreat is for anyone who has begun to taste the fruits of mindfulness and who yearns for the opportunity to explore meditative awareness.
The practice of mindfulness is simple and profound. There are endless ways to look at stillness, focus, and awareness. We are going to devote this entire retreat to the qualities of ease and well-being that arise when we allow ourselves to loosen our grip on our thoughts and feelings.
Many of us take to meditation because we feel tense, overwhelmed, or anxious. We often experience immediate relief. Sometimes, the ideal that we “have to practice our meditation” can become another pressure from our “to do” list. We forget about the joy and well-being we discovered. We lose touch with the lightness of being, which is the heart of meditation practice.
That’s why setting aside a little time for a virtual retreat can be so supportive. On Saturday, March 23, Amy will support you with periods of guided meditation, instruction, open question and answer sessions to refresh your practice and allow you to rejuvenate from the inside.
- How to identify positive mental habits that lead to ease and effortlessness in mindfulness practice.
- How to distinguish ease from dullness and effortlessness from entitlement.
- How to redirect your focus and move from tension to ease, without creating more stress in the process.
Registration for Discovering Ease is Pay As You Can and will help support Inner Strength mindfulness programs for teens.
Suggested sliding scale for the day $25 – $55. (No one is turned away for lack of funds.)