The Little Traditions

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Little Traditions - Amy Edelstein

Excerpt from Amy Edelstein’s book Love, Marriage & Evolution: Chapter 7 The movements that create home with our partners are a dance and ritual of contemplation, little traditions that recollect why we’re together and clarify what we want to accomplish. Many of the religious structures seek to elevate consciousness by establishing rhythms in the home, around meals, or times and … Read More

How A Big View Helps When Times Are Tough

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Excerpt from Amy Edelstein’s book Love, Marriage & Evolution: Chapter 1 A few years ago, I was in a very serious motor vehicle accident— an 18-wheel tractor-trailer and I met, nose-to-nose. Just recently I overheard my husband describe his internal thought process right after he got the news. The EMT called with a perfunctory message, “Your wife has been in … Read More