A New Biography of Yogananda: Amy Interviews Philip Goldberg about his Insightful New Book

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Contemplation, Dialogues, Philosophers & Mystics, Traditional Spirituality, VideoLeave a Comment

Dialogue with Philip Goldberg about his book The Life of Yogananda

  Amy speaks with Philip Goldberg about his illuminating new book The Life of Yogananda Philip Goldberg’s authoritative biography of Yogananda – the first ever – was published on April 24, 2018. The Los Angeles Times named Paramahansa Yogananda “the 20th century’s first superstar guru” and today, nearly a century after he arrived in the United States, he’s undisputedly still the … Read More


Amy EdelsteinBlog, Philosophers & MysticsLeave a Comment

An interview with Helen Tworkov, editor of Tricycle magazineby Amy Edelstein Introduction It was one of the first warm days of spring, and the crab apple trees were in bloom all along Riverside Drive. As I entered Manhattan and crossed the crowded and alive streets of the West Village, I found myself wondering: Who is Helen Tworkov? We met in the stairwell … Read More

Don’t Leave G-d Out of It: Zalman Schachter’s Views on Sexuality

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Philosophers & Mystics, Relationships

Zalman Schachter Shalomi wide

 This interview with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi explores his interpretation of views on sexuality and spirituality in Judaism.  Western tantra, Christian and Hindu celibacy, Tibetan sexual yoga, Buddhist monasticism . . . as we began discussing these vastly divergent approaches to sexuality in spiritual life, I wondered what Judaism had to say about the subject. Raised in a Reconstructionist synagogue with … Read More