Cycles, Process & A Different Way to View Ourselves in the World

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Contemplation, Evolutionary Spirituality2 Comments

An Ecology of Being

“The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of ‘independent existence.’ There is no such mode of existence; every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe ~ Alfred North Whitehead An Ecology of Being Cycles, Process & A Different Way to View Ourselves … Read More

An Ecosystem for Emergence

Amy EdelsteinAudio, Blog, Contemplation, Evolutionary SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Teleseminar with Amy Edelstein

An Ecosystem for Emergence Spring Teleseminar Millions around the world will be celebrating the Easter and Passover holidays and the arrival of Spring this weekend.It’s a time when the birds and the bulbs urge us to celebrate the spirit of freedom and the irrepressible impulse and beauty of life. It is the season to clear out the old and prepare … Read More

An Ecology of Being

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Contemplation, Evolutionary Spirituality2 Comments

Retreat with Amy Edelstein

When we go on retreat we sink into ourselves, we let go of the outer world and allow ourselves to focus on the dimensions of the deep within. At first it seems only quiet and dark. At first it is challenging to let go of the surface of things. Even if we have retreated many times, for months or even … Read More

Why go on a Retreat?

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Contemplation, Evolutionary SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Spring Retreat with Amy Edelstein

Why Go On A Spiritual Retreat? Why do we go on retreat? Why has withdrawal always been so foundational to spiritual transformation? What does it lead to? Here, I will open up several of the key aspects of spiritual renewal and discovery to inspire you to make the time for retreat and to support you to get the most out … Read More

Evolutionary Spirituality: A Path & Perspective

Amy EdelsteinBlog, Contemplation, Cultural Development, Evolutionary Spirituality10 Comments

Evolutionary Spirituality with Amy Edelstein

Evolutionary Spirituality empowering our practice with the energy of the universe by Amy Edelstein   “Shaping and reshaping, in wonder I am here!” ~ Goethe Over the last decade, evolutionary spirituality has spread its canopy over many of our beliefs, mystical intuitions, and the quality of our relatedness. A marriage of science and spirit, some argue this path is as … Read More