Closeness in Relationship

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

From LM&E Relationship course with Amy Edelstein

We think our unity comes only from feeling close with our partners. But there is another place where we can discover essential Unity, and that fulfillment at a deep level of self enables us to experience closeness, calmness, and tremendous Love for our partners. Mystical realization points us to the discovery of an endless depth of presence, Being. Most of … Read More

Thankfulness for Friendship

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Gratitude in relationship

Taking the time to appreciate and extend gratitude to our partners regularly — and on special days — brings to the fore the qualities that brought us together and that make our relationship meaningful and directional. Feeling a sense of movement and development, an updraft, in our bond with our partners awakens a sense of gratitude. And putting attention on … Read More

Thankfulness for Friendship

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Gratitude in relationship

Taking the time to appreciate and extend gratitude to our partners regularly — and on special days — brings to the fore the qualities that brought us together and that make our relationship meaningful and directional. Feeling a sense of movement and development, an updraft, in our bond with our partners awakens a sense of gratitude. And putting attention on … Read More

How to Communicate – Skills to Connect

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Communication . . . everyone wants to know how, what, and when to share. “How can I communicate in a more ‘enlightened’ way around difficult issues?” “Are there criteria to help us let go of what isn’t helpful, useful, relevant, or important to bring up?” Through learning the principles in Love, Marriage & Evolution you’ll start to realize you have skills, tools, … Read More

Is Marriage Outdated? What’s So Evolutionary About an Ancient Tradition?

Amy EdelsteinCultural Development, Relationships, Values, Ethics, Morals

People want to know why, in the age where so many traditional notions about women, men, and coupling have changed, where we consider everything including choosing our own preferred gender pronoun, I use the term marriage so readily. I use the term intentionally, in part because it’s convenient to signify many beautiful qualities, and in part to bounce off against a superficial … Read More

Insight on Love & Marriage from a New, Evolutionary Perspective

Amy EdelsteinRelationships

Love & marriage advice and insight from Amy Edelstein

The purpose of Love, Marriage & Evolution’s contemplation process is to open up a context so you can find your way. What does that mean and how does it work? This posture and perspective towards life sets your very special and unique relationship within a vast and broad framework. A frame as large as the unfolding of the entire universe. Can something … Read More

Love, Marriage & Evolution

Amy EdelsteinCultural Development, Relationships

Love, Marriage & Evolution  is an 8 chapter, 166 page book and guide for contemplation released in November 2013. Download a complimentary copy here or purchase a print copy for your ongoing use.   Excerpt from Chapter 2  LOVE All You Need Is Love? As we look at how we want to update our understanding and expression of love, it’s … Read More